What To Expect In Your First Muay Thai Lesson

What To Expect In Your First Muay Thai Lesson | Ushup

Have you enrolled in a Muay Thai training course and are wondering what to expect from your first Muay Thai lesson? Are you feeling nervous about what might be expected of you on the first day and whether you’ll be able to handle it? Are you unsure about what to wear or what you need to bring to class? We know that Muay Thai can be a bit overwhelming for beginners. That’s exactly why we’ve made this helpful guide on what you can expect in your first Muay Thai class, along with everything you need to bring and what you need to be mindful of on your first day. So, enough worrying, and keep reading!

What to Wear for Muay Thai Class

What to Wear for Muay Thai Class - What To Expect In Your First Muay Thai Lesson | Ushup

Any type of loose-fitting clothing that is appropriate for a gym is perfect for a Muay Thai training session. Muay Thai shorts or similar gym shorts with a t-shirt would work for men. A sports bra would be recommended for the ladies. The best attire for Muay Thai lessons is that which is comfortable, flexible, and allows you to breathe properly.

A mouth guard is optional for beginners since you will not be expected to spar on your first day. Most professionally maintained training centers will have plenty of spare gloves that students can use on their first day. At this point, you may be unsure if you’ll be doing Muay Thai for long. So don’t buy expensive gear like branded gloves and ankle supports at this stage.

Bring a water bottle to stay properly hydrated throughout the training session. Maintaining good personal hygiene is important, so bring a towel to wipe off sweat and a change of clothes after you finish. While Muay Thai is done barefoot, it might be useful to pack some running shoes in case your trainer starts the lesson with a warm-up run.

What Are the Training Exercises to Expect on Your First Day?

What Are the Training Exercises to Expect on Your First Day? | Ushup

Your first Muay Thai class would start with about 15 minutes of warm-up exercises that include running and skipping. After some stretching exercises, your trainer will then instruct you on the basics of fighting stance and movement. Remember that in Muay Thai, mastering the proper technique is often more effective than pure power. So, while you may not learn any flashy moves on your first day, pay attention to your instructor, take things slow and get the basics right.

Later, the training will start on simple fighting techniques for punches and kicks. It is normal to feel like your body is not coordinated at the start, and you may not get to punch a bag on your first day. Not everyone does. Expect this stage to last a while until your trainer is satisfied with your technique. Strengthening exercises like push-ups and sit-ups could be next, followed by cooling-down exercises to end the session. Expect your first Muay Thai lesson to take about 60 to 90 minutes.

When Will You Begin Sparring?

When Will You Begin Sparring? - What To Expect In Your First Muay Thai Lesson | Ushup

This could very well be the thing that keeps you up all night before your first lesson. It is natural to feel scared and anxious about being asked to spar. However, if you’re a beginner, it is unlikely you’ll be sparring with anyone. You may not even get to punch a bag. Expect to spend a few training sessions practicing basic stances, movements, and striking techniques. You won’t get to spar with another student until you perfect those. 

No professional coach or mixed martial arts trainer would expect you to start fighting on your first day in Muay Thai class. So don’t let the thought of sparring stress you out. However, be mindful if you feel you’re being pressured by your instructor or other students to face another fighter on your first lesson. This sort of behavior is a major red flag, and you should take care when choosing a professional Muay Thai gym that doesn’t allow bullying of new students.

What to Expect Physically?

What to Expect Physically - What To Expect In Your First Muay Thai Lesson | Ushup

It is very likely that you will feel completely worn out after your first Muay Thai training session. You may feel constantly out of breath and uncoordinated in your movements. Your muscles will be sore by the time you return home. This is perfectly normal and to be expected, especially on your first day. Even the fittest students and martial arts practitioners might find this first lesson exhausting.

It would take a few months for your body to get used to the conditioning and build up the stamina and strength required to excel in Muay Thai. Prepare yourself mentally for a tough challenge, and keep realistic expectations. Remember to take things slow, correct any mistakes as shown by your instructor, and trust that, in time, your body will be able to take it.

Are You Ready to Return for More?

Are You Ready to Return for More - What To Expect In Your First Muay Thai Lesson | Ushup

It is quite normal for many students to feel overwhelmed and unable to continue after their first Muay Thai lesson. Maybe you too will feel the exhaustion and sore muscles are not worth it. Your muscles will be sore because your stance and fighting technique at the start will not be great. As your technique improves, this will be less of an issue, and as your body gets conditioned, you will slowly build up the endurance to persevere. 

Check if the facilities at the training center are well equipped for Muay Thai lessons. Since Muay Thai is done barefoot, proper floor mats are a must to avoid injury. Observe whether the punching bags and other equipment are in good order. Remember that you’ll be spending an hour or two performing exhaustive training routines here. See if the venue is clean, hygienic, and properly ventilated. 

Check if your instructor has the experience, is attentive to new students and provides the motivation to keep going. And finally, decide for yourself if the environment feels safe and the people friendly. Ideally, you should research the training center and check reviews before enrolling, but sometimes you have to attend a few lessons to make up your mind. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, it’s OK to leave and find another training center.

Be patient and consider going back for a few more lessons before throwing in the towel. It will take a while, but if you continue attending Muay Thai lessons, you’ll be amazed at how your body will get into shape and feel more coordinated. When the endorphins kick in, you’ll be able to handle the pain and feel less stressed. You might even start having fun.


Is Muay Thai Beginner Friendly?

Yes. The key is to find a good instructor who can teach you the basics properly. Once you get past the initial learning curve, Muay Thai becomes much less daunting and a lot more fun.

What Is the First Thing You Learn in Muay Thai?

The first thing you learn in Muay Thai is the basic stance, like where to place your feet and how to move about from this stance. 

How Long Does Muay Thai Take To Learn?

It could take the average person about three to six months to learn the basics of Muay Thai. 

Is Muay Thai Worth Learning?

Yes! In addition to Muay Thai being great for self-defense, it can also help you lose weight, get into shape, improve your balance, and confidently take control of your body. You can also choose to be part of the Muay Thai culture and community.