Muay Thai For Weight Loss: How Effective Is This Combat Sport in Aiding It?

Muay Thai for Weight Loss: How Effective Is This Combat Sport in Aiding It? | Ushup

Muay Thai is often hailed as one of the most effective martial arts for weight loss. But how true is this statement? How does practicing Muay Thai help those looking to shed a few pounds? In this blog post, we will discuss these questions and more. So, if you’re interested in learning more about how Muay Thai can impact weight loss, keep reading! We’ll warn you, though, that you might just end up signing up for Muay Thai classes once you’re done reading this blog!

What Is Muay Thai?

What Is Muay Thai | Ushup

Muay Thai is a form of eight-limbed combat martial art that is widely practiced and studied in Thailand. It is known as “the art of eight weapons” because it uses the fist, elbow, knee, and shin as weapons to shower opponents with strategic punches and kicks. Muay Thai is a combination of boxing, kickboxing, and grappling, and fighters face each other off in five three-minute rounds, showcasing their wonderful fighting styles.

The Origin of Muay Thai

The Origin of Muay Thai | Ushup

The martial art rose to popularity after Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) became famous. Muay Thai has unclear origins, but it was founded in the 16th century as a peace-time martial art practiced by the soldiers of King Naresuan of Ayutthaya. Previously known as Muay Boran, the ancient art form became a useful skill for self-defense, hunting, and fighting in wars. In the 19th century, when Thailand became unified under one kingdom, King Rama V abolished combat because he thought it was too brutal. However, it was still practiced in villages and military camps until it was revived in the 1930s. 

When the 19th century was closing in on an end, the sport evolved and came to be known as Muay Thai, with rules and regulations to make it safer for participants. Nowadays, Muay Thai is practiced all over the world, not only for self-defense but also as part of official leagues and competitions. Read our blog if you’re interested in learning more about the history of Muay Thai.

Muay Thai also has numerous benefits apart from the kick of being a Muay Thai fighter, and aiding weight loss is surely one of them. 

How Does Muay Thai Aid in Weight Loss?

How Does Muay Thai Aid in Weight Loss | Ushup

Anyone who has struggled with their weight knows that it is not simply a matter of eating less and exercising more. Weight gain can have a huge negative impact on fitness, productivity, motivation, self-esteem, and even social relationships. That is why so many people are searching for effective ways to lose weight. 

For some, Muay Thai may offer the perfect solution. As a combat sport that combines elements of boxing, kicking and grappling, it is a highly effective workout that can help to burn calories, tone muscles, and build coordination and stamina, which may lead to increased caloric expenditure both during and after workouts. For those looking to lose weight, Muay Thai may be worth considering as a safe and effective way to achieve their goals, and we’ve explained how below. 

Muay Thai Is a Full-Body Workout

Muay Thai Is a Full-Body Workout | Ushup

Muay Thai is often hailed as the ultimate full-body workout, and it’s easy to see why. As mentioned above, this martial art uses fists, elbows, knees, and shins as weapons. 

Punches and elbow strikes focus on upper body strength and cardio while practicing knees and kicks engages the core quite heavily. 

Working out the abdominal muscles requires a strong foundation and lower body strength, which Muay Thai helps to develop. Pad workouts help with technique and speed, while heavy bag sessions focus on increasing power. As a result, Muay Thai is an effective way to train the entire body to help you lose weight.

Muay Thai Relieves Stress and Reduces Anxiety

Muay Thai Relieves Stress and Reduces Anxiety | Ushup

For anyone who has ever suffered from stress or anxiety, the prospect of finding a way to reduce those feelings can be immensely appealing. Muay Thai is an effective method for reducing stress and anxiety levels. In addition, the combat art can also improve their moods and motivation, making it more likely that they will stick to their Muay Thai workout routine. 

The benefits of Muay Thai are not just mental; the reduced stress levels can also lead to less abdominal weight gain. This is because the stress hormone cortisol is directly linked to weight gain in the stomach area. Ultimately, the reduced stress and improved motivation that come from a Muay Thai training session can lead to more confidence and a more positive outlook on life, apart from the obvious weight loss. 

A Combination of Strength, Conditioning, and Cardiovascular Endurance Training

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - A Combination of Strength, Conditioning, and Cardiovascular Endurance Training | Ushup

A Muay Thai fight has a variety of intensities and techniques that the body has to follow and push through. It is an incredibly effective way to condition the mind, build strength and power, and improve cardiovascular endurance. 

One of the biggest benefits of Muay Thai is that it is a form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT is a type of exercise that alternates between periods of intense activity and periods of rest. This allows you to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, making it more effective than a traditional cardio workout. HIIT, the conditioning drills, and the complete core workout strengthen both the mind and the body, ensuring you have a toned body as a result of losing weight. 

The Accelerated Rate of Burning Calories

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - The Accelerated Rate of Burning Calories | Ushup

Calories are the enemy of every person trying to lose weight, and it seems impossible to lose weight unless you’re on a calorie deficit diet like Keto, intermittent fasting, and so on. Muay Thai is an excellent way to burn calories quickly without having to do so, and Muay Thai fighters will easily agree. 

This ancient art combines HIIT, strength training, and conditioning exercises to give your body a full workout and uses your whole body rather than just isolated muscle groups. This means that you not only burn more calories during your workout, but you also continue to burn calories at a higher rate even after you have finished working out. So, if you are looking for an effective way to lose weight and get in shape, Muay Thai burns calories like no other and may be the perfect activity for you.

The Martial Art Is Fun and Easy to Learn

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - The Martial Art Is Fun and Easy to Learn | Ushup

When you learn Muay Thai, you’ll quickly understand that it can be really enjoyable to simply learn how to coordinate your mind and body together. If you’ve chosen the right gym, your trainer, training partner, and the whole community at your training sessions, will be supportive and friendly, making your weight loss journey a memorable one.

Many people find bodyweight exercises like lifting weights too boring and hard, quickly losing interest in their aspirations. The combination of many training techniques makes Muay Thai one of the best martial arts and a more preferable method of exercise for those looking to burn fat in a fun and exciting way that keeps them looking forward to their next Muay Thai class.

Muay Thai Training Guided by Experts

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - Muay Thai Training Guided by Experts | Ushup

Muay Thai for weight loss is not something that can be achieved by throwing a few punches and kicks. Even if weight loss isn’t your goal, learning Muay Thai requires time and effort, and it can only be successful with the help of an experienced Muay Thai trainer. Lucky for those that want to lose weight, most Muay Trainers are excellent coaches with experience taking part in many Muay fights and are sometimes even champions. 

If you look at Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket, which are popular destinations in Thailand, most gyms in these locations are founded by stellar Muay Thai fighters with mind-blowing skills and endless experience in fighting and training Muay Thai enthusiasts. With the help of such acclaimed coaches, they know exactly how to tailor your training in Muay Thai for weight loss. 

Important Practices to Follow to Support Weight Loss Through Muay Thai

Important Practices to Follow to Support Weight Loss Through Muay Thai | Ushup

Yes, Muay Thai can solely help you lose weight, and that is the undeniable truth. But if you’re looking to maintain and improve your overall well-being and not relapse into the unending abyss where you gain weight and struggle to lose it again, you need to ensure that you follow the practices below. This is not after you lose weight with Muay Thai, but it is best done as you start to learn Muay Thai. 

Follow a Good Diet

Follow a Good Diet | Ushup

Don’t be scared when you hear the word diet. It is not about eating boring vegetables day and night and avoiding desserts. A good diet for Muay Thai is a nutritious, balanced one, giving you the right amount of protein, healthy fat, carbs, vitamins, and minerals. 

All body types are different, and many have various triggers like lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, and so on. You must identify your triggers and the food weighing you down while eating enough to keep you full and strong to give your Muay Thai workout your best. 

Be Patient

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - Be Patient | Ushup

Diets and exercise are both things that take time to show results, especially when done right. With Muay Thai, your progress will start off well and reach a standstill until you alter your workout plan, and techniques to surprise your body again with new challenges. 

It will take longer to see the effects of Muay Thai on your weight, especially if you’ve not been exercising at all in the recent past. With patience and perseverance, you can easily use Muay Thai for weight loss, as long as you’re not easily discouraged. 

Be Consistent

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - Be Consistent | Ushup

You’ve probably heard it countless times, but we are here to say it again. Consistency is the key to any habit or goal that you want to build or achieve. You can invest in all the equipment and Muay Thai classes with the best trainers, draw out meal plans and buy expensive groceries, and be patient like we said, but still not lose weight if you don’t stay consistent with your training. 

Luckily for you, Muay Thai training builds mental stamina and motivation and is also enjoyable enough to keep you consistent, so consistency won’t be a problem in achieving your ideal body weight! 

How to Choose a Muay Thai Training Centre for Weight Loss

 How to Choose a Muay Thai Training Centre for Weight Loss | Ushup

There are many reasons people want to lose weight. It could be for health reasons, or they may want to improve their body image. When it comes to losing weight, not all martial arts are created equal, and Muay Thai is one of the most effective martial arts for that goal. If you’re in Thailand, finding people training Muay Thai for amateurs or seasoned fighters is as easy as eating cake. 

However, it is important to ensure that you choose someone qualified and experienced to train Muay Thai for learners, as the rigorous training of this intense sport can leave you hurt forever if learned wrong. 

When looking for a muay thai gym, be sure to find one that is well-maintained and clean. The last thing you want is to get injured during your workout. In addition, it is important to find a trainer that you are comfortable with. Be sure to explain your weight-loss goals so that they can tailor a workout plan that is right for you. 

You may prefer one-on-one training or group classes, depending on your preference, and be sure to pick a Muay Thai class that caters to it. Whichever you choose, make sure that the trainer has experience working with people who are trying to lose weight. With the right gym and trainer, Muay Thai practitioners can achieve their weight-loss goals in no time.

Enjoy Losing Weight with Muay Thai Training!

Muay Thai for Weight Loss - Enjoy Losing Weight with Muay Thai Training! | Ushup

Looking to lose weight and have a great time doing it? Then Muay Thai is the perfect activity for you! Not only is Muay Thai an incredibly effective way to shed those unwanted pounds, but it also has many other benefits like better self-esteem, improved confidence, greater perseverance levels, and more. 

The combination of different techniques and the use of fists, elbows, knees, and shins makes Muay Thai a complete workout that builds strength in both the upper and lower body. Muay Thai is also one of the best martial arts derived from Thai culture. So what are you waiting for? Book your muay thai training session today!


Why Is Muay Thai so Effective?

One of the main reasons for this is that Muay Thai trains all areas of the body, not just specific muscle groups. As the “art of the eight limbs”, it has eight points of contact namely the fists, elbows, knees and shins which are involved in strength-building. In addition, Muay Thai also helps to build lean muscle mass, which further builds strength and even aids in weight loss. 

Is Muay Thai Good for Overweight Beginners?

Muay Thai is a powerful martial art that anybody can take up regardless of their weight. Starting Muay Thai training can burning an extreme amount of calories at an accelerated rate. In fact, many people who are overweight or out of shape find that they excel at muay thai, as the added weight can help deliver more powerful blows.